Home | What's New? | Photo Album | Wedding | Scrapbook | Contact Info In Windows XP First, click on the font you want to download: If you are using Internet Explorer, click "Open" If you are using Firefox, click "Open with" A window will pop up containting the zipped font file. Click "Extract all files" Now you will extract the font file. Click Next. Click "Browse..." to extract the file to a location where you can pull it up later I just save mine to my desktop: After you have selected a destination to extract your font file, click Next Be sure "Show extracted files" is selected, then click Finish. Another window will pop up containing your font file. Highlight the file by clicking on it once, then click "Move this file" You want to move this file into your C:\Windows\Fonts folder. To do this, click on Local Disk (C:), then on WINDOWS, then on Fonts. Then click Move. The font is installed! :) Helpful Links
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